Here at Mobile Animal Health Care, we are pleased to offer a large amount of veterinary services available for our patients. We take great pride in serving The Greater Des Moines and surrounding communities offering your pet the best care that they deserve!

Dental care is vital to the overall health of any pet. Dental disease can lead to health issues with the heart, liver, and kidneys and has the potential to seep into your pet’s bloodstream. In fact, 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats over three years of age suffer from some form of dental disease, making it the most common pet health issue among our pet population.
Did you know that we offer 10% off our dental services for new clients and newly-diagnosed pets throughout the year?
Call us today for more information and to schedule your pet's next dental appointment.

We believe in utilizing the highest level of medical technology, and our surgeons are experienced and highly trained.
We are proud to offer surgical services to our clients in our own separate surgical suite. Spays and neuters, C-Sections, mass removals and other minor soft tissue surgeries available. Safe modern anesthesia used, appropriate protocols for the age of the patient, appropriate monitoring and quick recovery is our goal. Gas anesthesia and monitoring are used in every procedure. Additionally, Pre-surgical lab-work may be required or post surgical pain medications may be sent home with your pet.
Mobile Animal Health Care will not scrimp on safety or quality of care.

Digital Radiographs
Something unique to this Mobile Veterinary Clinic is the access to Digital Radiographs and the information that these radiographs provide. We can detect chest abnormalities, abdominal abnormalities, orthopedic injuries, fractures, foreign bodies, bone cancer, and we can provide OFA hip and elbow radiographs or even screen for number and size of puppies. The sky’s the limit!!
Mobile Animal Health Care is proud to be on the cutting edge of medical technology.

Spay And Neuter
Have you recently welcomed a new puppy or kitten into your home? Firstly, congratulations! Secondly, we would love to meet them too!
An initial check-up as soon as possible is helpful in giving your new pet a head start on their health. We can address any problems common in newborns such as worms or other parasites, as well as offer you advice on what to expect as they grow.
One of the most important things we will talk about is a spay and neuter for dogs and cats. Spaying and neutering are important and necessary medical procedures that enhance the quality of your pets' life. Sterilization helps your pet live a longer, happier life, and it also prevents unwanted litters, which cause overpopulation and overcrowding in shelters. This results in too many lost lives to euthanasia, but fixing your pet can help make a difference.

Every year, thousands and thousands of pets go missing. Not knowing where your pet is or how to bring them back can be a helpless, hopeless feeling. It's a tragedy that happens all too often. But there is a simple, safe, and effective way to ensure your pet's safety and retrieval should they ever become lost.
Microchips are implantable computer chips that encode a unique identification number to help reunite you with your lost pet. They are no bigger than a grain of rice and they are placed under your pet’s skin with a needle and syringe, not much differently than a routine vaccine.
They work by receiving a radio signal from a scanner and transmitting the encoded chip identification number back to the scanner. With the chip identification number in hand, the vital contact information is only a phone call away.

Immunizations / Vaccinations
How they work and which vaccinations your Dog and Cat needs
Vaccines and regular health exams are key preventive care measures and are critical to the well-being of your pet to help protect them from potentially deadly infectious diseases like Distemper, Parvovirus, Leptospirosis and Rabies in dogs; and Feline Leukemia Virus (FLV) and Rabies in cats.
We offer Core (essential) (lifestyle) dog and cat vaccinations.
Core Vaccinations Adult Cats
- Rabies protects against the deadly and highly infectious disease contracted from wild animals.
- FVRCP (feline viral rhinotracheitis calicivirus panleukopenia) protects from feline distemper and two different upper respiratory infections.
- FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus) protects against this common, highly transmissible virus. We recommend FeLV to cats who are frequently outdoors.
Core Vaccinations Adult Dogs
- Rabies protects against this dangerous disease that can be contracted from wild animals.
- DA2PP (distemper, adenovirus, parainfluenza, parvovirus) protects against distemper, a liver infection, a respiratory infection, and a viral illness.
- Leptospirosis protects against this zoonotic disease. We recommend this vaccine for dogs frequently outdoors.
- Lyme protects against the tick-borne illness. Similarly to Lepto, we recommend it to outdoor dogs.
- Bordetella (kennel cough) helps pets avoid this respiratory infection. Boarding facilities and groomers typically require this vaccine.
- Canine Influenza is suggested for dogs who frequent close-quartered environments with other dogs such as dog parks, training, boarding facilities, etc.
Puppy and Kitten Series of Vaccines
When your pet is a puppy or kitten, the need to build up their immunity is critical. Mobile Animal Health Care does this through an initial series of vaccines over a period of several weeks. It’s often best to split them up separately so your pet is not receiving all their vaccines in one visit. These vaccinations typically start around 6-8 weeks of age. Our timeline is as follows:
- DA2PP will begin at 6-8 weeks and continue with 3 more boosters every 3-4 weeks after the initial vaccine. Adults will receive this vaccine yearly after the initial series.
- Rabies is given once between 14-16 weeks, then annually.
- Leptospirosis we give after 12 weeks with a booster 2-4 weeks later, and then annually.
- Lyme we give once at 12 weeks, and then annually.
- FVRCP will begin at 6-8 weeks and continue with more boosters every 3-4 weeks after the initial vaccine. Adults will receive this vaccine annually.
- Rabies is given once between 14-16 weeks, and then annually.
- FeLV we give at 8-9 weeks with a booster 3-4 weeks later, and then annually.

Wellness Exams
A wellness exam is an overall general health assessment that may include blood tests, urinalysis, and parasite screening. In many cases, a wellness examination can help detect the early stages of disease. Wellness exams are recommended for most pets at least annually, but often at least every 6 months for senior pets and pets with chronic health issues. A wellness exam can help ensure your pet's health and detect early stages of disease.
A wellness examination is a complete physical examination along with diagnostic testing that may include blood work, urinalysis, and checking a stool sample for parasites. In many cases, a wellness examination can help detect the early stages of disease
Mobile Animal Health Care believes that these regular checkups and wellness exams are critical to your pets' well-being. These wellness exams give us a chance to evaluate the overall health of your pet while also giving us a baseline for their unique bodies and tendencies.

Nutritional Counseling
Nutrition is an essential part of your pet’s wellness care, but when it comes to diet, one size doesn’t necessarily fit all. Younger animals need food to help them grow up strong and healthy, while older pets can benefit from diets tailored to their specific health needs. Some pets have allergies that require dietary changes. Others are facing obesity, a growing problem in both dogs and cats and a major contributor to a host of health problems, including:
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Kidney and heart disease
- Shortened lifespan
With proper diet and exercise, all pets should be able to meet their dietary needs and stay within a healthy weight range.

Our Pet Diagnostic Capabilities
Our in-house laboratory has a wide variety of in-house diagnostic testing capabilities. While we can always run a test in-house, sometimes for the sake of time and accuracy, we’ll send tests out to an external lab. We'll typically receive results back in a day or so. Generally, some routine screenings will include the following:
- Bloodwork – CBC (complete blood count), electrolyte levels, protein levels, and more
- Fecal testing – for internal parasites
- Urinalysis – to analyze kidney function and glucose levels
- Cytology – analyzing skin samples for infection or other abnormalities
- Biopsy testing – to examine tissue for disease
It is our goal to provide your pet with the highest level of care possible, and our diagnostic tools help us do that!

In-House Pharmacy
Is your pet out of it's medication? No worries, Mobile Animal Health Care will deliver your pets medication right to your door at no additional charge.
One of the most convenient services we provide at Mobile Animal Health Care is our mobile pharmacy. Whether it's a medication we prescribe during one of our general examinations or something you need to be administered regularly, we can provide it in the comfort of your own home. This is particularly useful for medications or therapies that need to be given via injection, as many owners find it to be stressful to administer themselves.
Our mobile pharmacy is stocked with:
- Pain Medications
- Flea Medication
- Heartworm Medication
- Vitamins
- Shampoos
- Special Dietary Supplements
- A range of other medications via our online store

Parasite Prevention/Heartworm Testing
We want to help you keep your pet safe from harmful parasites!
Parasite prevention is a very important part of keeping your dog happy and healthy. Parasites prevention recommendations we make at Mobile Animal Health Care include protection from:
- External Parasites
- Internal Parasites
- Heartworms
External parasites include fleas, ticks, mites, and lice. These parasites not only cause discomfort, scratching, and skin infections but they can also transmit several serious diseases, such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Anaplasmosis, Ehrlichiosis, Babesiosis, Tularemia, Typhus, Hemobartonellosis, Bartonellosis, etc. We will discuss your pet’s health and lifestyle with you in order to help you decide on the best external parasite prevention option for your pet.
Internal parasites refer to intestinal parasites, which include four common worms and some species of microscopic protozoan. The four common worms found in pets are roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms. Examples of microscopic protozoan are toxoplasmosis, Coccidia and giardia. To protect your pet from these parasites, our team at Mobile Animal Health Care recommends regular fecal tests to make sure they are parasite free. During your visit we will also discuss how to minimize the chance of exposure or infection with these parasites and where your pet may be most at risk.
Heartworms are spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. It is 100% preventable through the use of monthly heartworm prevention. We will discuss your pet’s lifestyle and will help you decide what type of heartworm prevention would be the most effective for your pet.